Well my fellow brothers and sisters; if you can’t tell what today’s rant is about; it’s about all those morons who do not use their directional blinkers. I know my cars came with the blinkers attached; and as far as I know they are standard safety equipment. Anyways; on with the story. I was headed down the highway the other day and sure enough….I saw it coming….some stupid jerk too busy talking on his (or was it a her) cellphone not even paying attention to where he/she was going. Just about took me and the car in front of me out — boy was I pissed. To make matters worse; they just kept driving; in and out of traffic (notice there is never a state trooper when you want one; unless you’re the one speeding?). I wished I would have gotten the license number. I think next time I will; and I’ll post it, yeah…that’s what I’ll do; take that you non-driving phone talking jerk. But enough is enough – I’ve gotton it off my chest – thanks for listening.
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