Virginia vs. the Fed…. Who’s got the better case?
Recently, the governor of Virginia, Glen Younkin, ordered the removal of 1600+ individuals from Virginia’s voting roster. These 1600+ people were previously identified, and are known non-citizens. According to the governor’s press secretary, “…everyone who was removed from the voter … Continued
In-Decision 2024 – Presidential Election 2024
Today, my cat was telling me to start writing again. So, to shut him up; I’m stealing the name of a segment from the “Daily Show,” as I’m sure you’re aware, it sums up this year’s election cycle quite nicely. … Continued
The Good DR is back online! Yay!
This is just a real short post to say “Hey!! I got my domain name back!” As you may have noticed, it’s been a few years since I last posted to this site. Would you like to know what happened??? … Continued
Say “No” to Russian Vodka
I used to drink Vodka; but that’s a another story for another time, and place. If I were to drink Vodka, I would no longer drink these brands, as they come from Russia: Russian Standard Beluga Noble Russian Vodka and … Continued
Ukraine needs our support
“We can learn from history, but we can also deceive ourselves when we selectively take evidence from the past to justify what we have already made up our minds to do.” — Margaret MacMillan (Professor of History at the University … Continued