Crapper stall etiquette

posted in: General, Life, Rants & Raves | 6

I have a scenario for you:  We recently graduated from a regular bathroom to a “multi-user” bathroom (see yesterday’s post).  It is nice because there is no longer a line,  everyone loves to have more than one receptical in an … Continued

You just can’t fix stupid!

posted in: AoM, Life, Rants & Raves | 6

As we all know, I’m currently in Tucson, AZ visiting family.  In today’s paper (11/04/2011), the Arizona Daily Star; there is an article about someone “tagging” Saguaros in this area.  Now,  Saguaros are unique to this area of the desert, … Continued

If you break it, you buy it.

posted in: Politics, Rants & Raves | 3

Everyone has seen those signs in nicknack stores, if you break it – you buy it.  We have used this motto in Germany, Italy, Japan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  Why is it different for our own country?  As my faithful follower … Continued