Our Police – Warriors or Guardians?
“Protect and Serve”-“Pride, Integrity & Commitment”-“Service above self”-“Safety & Service”-“In partnership with the Community” – These are all slogans on the side of various Police cruisers. With the events in Ferguson, MO; the question comes up – Have the Police … Continued
Who doesn’t love Smokey the Bear?
Smokey the Bear is 70!! Let’s all join his furry friends in wishing him a happy 70th Birthday!! I grew up watching Smokey the Bear commercials on TV and seeing his posters around school. For those that don’t know, Smokey … Continued
My religion can beat up your religion…
I ask “Why” – a lot. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I do. In fact, that is the primary reason for my little piece of the blog-o-sphere – it is an attempt by me to understand the world around me. I’m … Continued
What are America’s Core Values? Pt 1
Since lately it appears that nobody, and I mean NOBODY gives a rat’s ass about our Constitution, I thought I’d ask my faithful reader (my cat) what he thought about it. As it turns out, he had a lot to say. … Continued
Asshole of the Month – July
It’s been awhile since I’ve assigned an AoM. The building I work in is pretty cool, there are lots of high profile agencies and a bunch of really important people, I’m sure. When using public facilities, a person should be … Continued