Happy St. Patty’s Day!!
Well, I’m a day late and a dollar short (Ok…two days) on this one, but we have to mention our Irish heritage, and today everyone can claim to have a bit ‘o luck in them. So celebrate, celebrate life as only an Irishman can!
We are blessed in this country to have so many diverse cultures within our borders. Some may see this as a weakness of our country; there always seems to be some bickering going on. But I see the multitude of cultures living side by side, not as an intrusion on each others space; but as the backbone of our country, we are a tolerant country, we recognize the multiple cultures within our prosperous land and we celebrate them. No one culture is above another- they all have equal standing; but what they ALL are, are Americans. I think the motto of the USS Barry (DDG52) sums it up best: Strength through Diversity.
We are not a collection of individual cultures living apart from one another, we have more in common with a tossed salad; our cultures are thrown in together, living within arms reach of one another; sometimes our cultures clash and we may disagree; but this incredible collection of cultures, is our culture – it is America
Having said all this, I leave you with….
There are two universal truths:
1. Anyone can be Irish, given the proper coaxing.
2. And everyone agrees, work does indeed suck.But unless you were born with a silver spoon in your gob, you’ve got to do it. So you may as well do it with laughter, with song and with more than a bit of gaiety when the work is done. Now that’s our idea of worker’s compensation.
-Ragland Road Irish Pub, Downtown Disney.
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