Military Reunions..Living in the past or making new old friends?
This past weekend I attended my very first military reunion. I have received invitations to several past reunions; but always felt myself to young to attend these events. After all, aren’t they just a bunch of old salts rehashing days … Continued
What are America’s Core Values? Pt 2
This is a follow on to the previous article “What are America’s core Values? Pt 1“. Initially I wanted to have a five part series on the Constitution, Bill of Rights and our (the citizenry’s responsibilities). While this article will … Continued
Well flog me with a wet noodle!!
This past weekend my neighbor was flying his national ensign. I thought, isn’t that cool. Didn’t even occur to me that Sunday was Flag Day. So today I hang my head in shame. Flag Day did not show in the … Continued
Planes, Vans & Jeepneys, observations – Part 4 of 4
This article is a list of my observations during our vacation. There is no particular order to this list, just my thoughts and observations. My observations will fall into the following three general categories: Airport Operations, General Transportation thoughts, Cultural … Continued
Planes, Vans & Jeepneys – Part 3 of 4
This third and final leg of our vacation returned us to the Philippines, and covered the period of May 26th through June 2nd. Click here for the picture gallery. On the 26th we flew from Bangkok to Manila, transferred our … Continued