Am I a racist? Are you?
Am I a racist? That is a question I have never pondered until recently. I was taking my cat to work last week, and he got on the topic of “Black Lives Matter.” He stated that several of his friends had approached him … Continued
Book Review: Project Management for Profit
Project Management for Profit – A Failsafe guide to keeping pojects on track and on budget Author: Joe Knight, Roger Thomas, Brad Angus ISBN: 9781422144176 The triad of project management: Scope, Cost, & Schedule are often reflected in monthly reports. … Continued
We the People…are pissed off
My cat and I were discussing the women in our lives, and we entered into a heated discussion about congress and the current woes we find throughout this great land. He was talking with his girlfriend, Jazzy (She is big into … Continued
Let’s celebrate the American working man!
Good morning my fellow work-a-holics! Today is our day, a day devoted to the American worker. Or is it? Just how, and why did this day come to be? The then, president Cleveland signed Labor Day into law, a day … Continued
Boy how time flies when you’re having fun!!
Boy the years pass quickly when you’re not paying attention! We (the Bosslady and I) can actually see an end to the proverbial employment tunnel. We were discussing various retirement related items the other day: – When are we going … Continued