Legalities of police checkpoints
The other day, my cat and a co-worker of mine, Frank, were involved in casual conversation regarding personal rights and police checkpoints. They were discussing the legalities of DUI and other checkpoints. My cat loves a bit of brandy with … Continued
Am I a racist? Are you?
Am I a racist? That is a question I have never pondered until recently. I was taking my cat to work last week, and he got on the topic of “Black Lives Matter.” He stated that several of his friends had approached him … Continued
Book Review: Project Management for Profit
Project Management for Profit – A Failsafe guide to keeping pojects on track and on budget Author: Joe Knight, Roger Thomas, Brad Angus ISBN: 9781422144176 The triad of project management: Scope, Cost, & Schedule are often reflected in monthly reports. … Continued
We the People…are pissed off
My cat and I were discussing the women in our lives, and we entered into a heated discussion about congress and the current woes we find throughout this great land. He was talking with his girlfriend, Jazzy (She is big into … Continued
Let’s celebrate the American working man!
Good morning my fellow work-a-holics! Today is our day, a day devoted to the American worker. Or is it? Just how, and why did this day come to be? The then, president Cleveland signed Labor Day into law, a day … Continued