Veterans Day is intended to honor and thank all military personnel who served the United States in all wars, particularly living veterans. The following was forwarded to me by my father. I believe the article is from the Elks magazine: … Continued
DDD has been redesigned, what ya think?
Good evening everyone, as the clock approaches midnight I’m about done for one night. Got a hair up my behind today to give the old site an over haul. I ran across a pretty cool looking theme from WordPress and … Continued
Voting day 2013
Voting took place nationwide today. My race was pretty small, only our Governor, LT. Governor, Attorney General, and local races. After I voted, I was chit-chatting with one of the persons pounding the pavement in front of the poll places, … Continued
An experiment in Timesharing: 2013 Timeshare Journey – Final
As you may have noticed, I haven’t updated this in awhile. Well, this exercise in timeshare management has finished. I came in at $1000 below budget (not including the associated fees of a timeshare)! Proving that it is possible to … Continued
Wyndham Skyline Tower – Atlantic City
Good morning boys and girls. Last weekend saw the boss lady and I in Atlantic City, NJ. We stayed at the Wyndham Skyline Tower, near the Resorts Casino. I was talking to my one and only faithful ready; yep, my … Continued