2008JAN18 – How to become more self relient
Quick note before we begin: over the next few days / weeks, I’ll be posting old posts recovered from my previous website’s blog. I am doing this at my daughter’s request; as she enjoyed some of these posts. You’ll know … Continued
Still stupid after all these years….
Good morning! As you can see (for my two fans that pay attention) my website has been down for a couple of months while I searched for a more “affordable” service provider. Bluehost was great, but at ~$7.00 a month, … Continued
Christmas in Vegas, baby!
We stayed here over Christmas, 2010. This was a grand vacation (family reunion). We used three years’ worth of timeshare time for this one visit. The staff of Tahiti Village (TVV) was very accommodating with us making these reservations. Units: … Continued
Have the 16 & 17 Amendments outlived their usefulness?
Good morning my fellow anarchists..(just kidden). I hope you all (I guess all would just encompass my cat, since I think he is the only one that really reads this) filled out your Census forms on April 1st; I did … Continued
Marriott’s Cypress Harbor – Orlando, FL
Location – Location & Beautiful Location. We stayed here 5 – 12 September, 2009. Our overall impression of Marriott Cypress Harbour (MCH) was….WOW!! The resort was an easy, short drive off of I-4. The grounds of the resort were impeccably … Continued