2008NOV19 – Reflections of our latest election
First, let me state that I have no loyalty to either party; both parties have corruption in them. I’d like to take this moment to make a couple of observations about this past election and also ask a couple of … Continued
2009SEP23 – Buffy; no, not the vampire slayer….
Good afternoon my brothers and sisters. It has been awhile since I last posted and a lot has happened. The boss lady dragged me down to Orlando, FL to go mouse hunting. That was fun! It was the first actual … Continued
2008JAN18 – My favorite home improvement links
A listing of my favorite Home Improvement / Increasing home efficiency / Family Financing links: A link with common sense approach to computer preventive maintenance; for those anal retentive folks (of which I am one) although dated is: PCGuide, a … Continued
Pambangka – Pepperoni style
My eldest makes this really, really great tasting bread, it is called Pambangka (I have no idea of what it means, although I think it is related to Pan De Sal style of Filipino bread). This recipe requires a bread maker. Ingredients: … Continued
2008NOV17 – I’m back from the land of Fruits & Flakes…
Hey everyone! I was in Californ-e-i-a for a bit; but am back in Virginia now. California was fun, learned a lot; but wow what a lot of …people. I will try and do a better job of keeping the blog … Continued