Are you a rabbit or a turtle?

posted in: Computing | 0

Good morning boys and girls!  Today; my friend and I were discussing how fast our internet connection here is.  We were disputing the little network icon that stated the internet connection was 54.4 mbps.   I visited to test … Continued

We’re mobile….

posted in: Computing, Politics | 0

Greetings boys and girls.  Today, DDD hit a milestone – we’ve joined the mobile generation.  My little corner of the Google will now display on your mobile device, phone, tablet whatever you have. You won’t get all the bells and … Continued

Drugs, hookers and IT?

posted in: Life | 1

Good morning boys and girls!!  I hope everyone has had a very productive past couple of months, I know I have – I have however; been delinquent in keeping my blog up to date, and for that I apologize to … Continued