The Dr’s back!!
Good evening my friends. It’s been awhile. I could go into this long dissertation as to why I wasn’t writing; but why. When I told my cat the story, he just kind of looked at me like: does it look … Continued
Good evening my friends. It’s been awhile. I could go into this long dissertation as to why I wasn’t writing; but why. When I told my cat the story, he just kind of looked at me like: does it look … Continued
A peaceful turnover of power. That’s one of the unique things that makes this country so great. Yes; yesterday, the 20th of January 2017 was peaceful. Yes, there were protests; but we shouldn’t let that hold back this great land. The … Continued
Today is the 75th Anniversary of the Japanese attack on the United States Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The day after the attack, our President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, asked Congress for a declaration of war against the Japanese. The Japanese … Continued
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, especially my loyal reader. He will be getting special cat treat today, as the rest of us pound down a bunch of amino acid tryptophan laden turkey. As is my custom on Thanksgiving Day, I’ll say the … Continued
Happy Veterans Day to all of our nation’s veterans. Today we honor our living Veterans (Memorial Day is set aside for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice). There is a good, and brief, synopsis of the history of today’s holiday. … Continued