Online Notarization for Non-U.S. citizens abroad
I am a notary within the confines of the Commonwealth of Virginia. I follow various Notarization topics with some interest. A few years back, there was a proposed amendment to the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULONA). This amendment, in … Continued
Securing your android
Remember the good ol’ days when all we had to worry about was our phone ringing while we were on the can? We didn’t have to worry about being embarrassed by our cellphones, it was, just a phone. Today, my … Continued
The [new] Three Stooges…Trump, Rubio, & Cruz
What the hell has gotten into the Republican party? I broke my own rules and watched the debate in Texas last week (Thursday). Boy was that a mistake. I don’t like the way Trump performs during the debates, and … Continued
Fortress Monroe’s contribution to Black History
First, I’d like to apologize for not writing in a long time. America is a wonderful country, a melting pot of various cultures found ’round the world. One of the pretty cool things that we do, as a nation, is to celebrate … Continued
Merry Christmas, to one and all
It is during this time of year that I come into my own. This is; without a doubt my favorite time of year! As the Grinch who stole Christmas once said, “Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. … Continued