Putting my money where my mouth is, being taught a lesson in tolerance
I often hear, and preach “put your money where your mouth is!” That is, back up your stated position with action. I recently found it time to pay the reaper. While this article is not political, I do need to … Continued
Coffee and politics…
I enjoy my morning coffee and I enjoy bantering about politics. So this morning, when I dropped my coffee cup, I was reminded of all the chaos in our Nation’s capitol. What does Washington DC and my coffee cup have … Continued
Waikiki Marina Resort at the Ilikai
The bosslady and I exchanged into the Waikiki marina resort. One word – Awesome!! This resort is a great base of operations. On Fridays the Hilton (next door) has fireworks. If you’re military – take advantage of the Hale Koa … Continued
Aloha! Veterans day in paradise…
Good morning my dear readers. Aloha!! Yesterday was Veterans Day; I had the privilege of spending part of the day at Pearl Harbor. It is truly a solemn and humbling experience. Veterans day was an appropriate day to visit this … Continued
Does anyone really care about Daylight Savings Time?
My cat and I were in a pretty good discussion this past Saturday, we often have coffee with my father. The topic came up as to why we (the US) still uses Daylight Savings Time (DST)? In this time of … Continued