Say “No” to Russian Vodka
I used to drink Vodka; but that’s a another story for another time, and place. If I were to drink Vodka, I would no longer drink these brands, as they come from Russia: Russian Standard Beluga Noble Russian Vodka and … Continued
Ukraine needs our support
“We can learn from history, but we can also deceive ourselves when we selectively take evidence from the past to justify what we have already made up our minds to do.” — Margaret MacMillan (Professor of History at the University … Continued
Sometimes it’s just better to be silent…
Good evening, it’s been awhile, I hope you are safe and in good health. My cat and I were talking the other day, and he made an observation. “Hey,” he said, “it’s been almost 6 months since you’ve written an … Continued
Election 2020 – my issues
With each passing year, the percentage required to pay the interest on our national debt increases, and we are quickly approaching a time when drastic remedial action will be required to keep our republic in good financial order.
Juneteenth – What is it, and should it be celebrated?
Good day, I hope this finds you all well. Yesterday my cat and I were discussing an article in our local paper, declaring June 19th a state holiday, a day called “Juneteenth.” Recently, the Governor of Virginia declared June 19th … Continued