C’mon; we’re better than this!!! Pt 1
It is a sad state of affairs over the past week. Our “shining city on a hill” has been tarnished by gun violence….again. I wonder how many of the shootings were done by “men of faith.” Religions vary; but most … Continued
What value does a coffee cup have?
What does a coffee cup mean? What value does a cup hold? If you are anything like me, each and every coffee cup has a story. I could go on for hours about each of these cups. While I no … Continued
Hey Friends: I’m not dead!!
Greetings everyone, contrary to popular belief, the good DR hasn’t fallen off the planet (sorry Fred). I’ve been keeping a pretty low profile as I struggled through some challenges which you really don’t need to be bored with. As most … Continued
What the hell is OUR government doing???
I was going to let dansdigitaldive fade away into the digital background, and then the Government shutdown happened. We’ve been through several shutdowns before, so I wasn’t to worried about my friends who work as members of the US Civil … Continued
Reality show government
This morning, my cat and I were watching Fareed Zakaria’s show, GPS (Global Public Square) on CNN; yes – I still watch CNN, and really try and watch Mr. Zakaria’s show whenever possible. Today he had on two former Secretaries … Continued