The Impeachment is over…now what?
To my cat (my faithful reader). Sorry about this, I meant to upload this last month…I tend to procrastinate. With no further ado… Recently the senate neglected to have the 2/3rds majority required to convict President Trump on either of … Continued
The Impeachment process for beginners
As I’m sure you’ve heard, there’s an impeachment trial in progress. This impeachment is for our current president, Donald Trump. Now, Lord knows I’m not his biggest fan, however, with all the hog wash being spewed, it’s hard to know … Continued
Viva Santo Nino de Cebu….Viva!
Over 30 years ago, I was introduced to a young, beautiful woman, who would change my life as I knew it. This woman I now affectionately refer to as….”the bosslady.” I still don’t do well in crowds, and I’ll always … Continued
C’mon, we’re better than this!!! Pt 3
This is a continuation of Part 2. Click here to start at Part 1. Would you like to know the sad truth? None of these actions will prevent gun violence. Together they may have a small impact; but we cannot … Continued
C’mon; we’re better than this!!! Pt 2
A couple of days ago, I uploaded part 1 of this series. This is a continuation of Part 1… So, what the HE double hockey sticks is going on here? America is the shining beacon of the West; how could … Continued