Time to strap in and buckle up!
Today is January 20th, 2025, Inauguration Day, which, by all accounts, should be a peaceful turnover of power from the current democratic president to a recycled republican president (yes, the lower cases are intentional). It would be really nice, if … Continued
Virginia vs. the Fed…. Who’s got the better case?
Recently, the governor of Virginia, Glen Younkin, ordered the removal of 1600+ individuals from Virginia’s voting roster. These 1600+ people were previously identified, and are known non-citizens. According to the governor’s press secretary, “…everyone who was removed from the voter … Continued
In-Decision 2024 – Presidential Election 2024
Today, my cat was telling me to start writing again. So, to shut him up; I’m stealing the name of a segment from the “Daily Show,” as I’m sure you’re aware, it sums up this year’s election cycle quite nicely. … Continued
The Good DR is back online! Yay!
This is just a real short post to say “Hey!! I got my domain name back!” As you may have noticed, it’s been a few years since I last posted to this site. Would you like to know what happened??? … Continued
Say “No” to Russian Vodka
I used to drink Vodka; but that’s a another story for another time, and place. If I were to drink Vodka, I would no longer drink these brands, as they come from Russia: Russian Standard Beluga Noble Russian Vodka and … Continued