Why do I write on a Blog that hardly anyone reads?

posted in: Life, Rants & Raves | 1

There is a quote that sums up why I write more than anything else I’ve found.  The quote is from C.Day-Lewis, and reads:

“We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.”

This quote was found in a book my father is reading, entitled “A Time to Grieve” by Carol Staudacher.  It is a book about how to cope with the loss of a loved one.  But, as I normally do, I digress, back to the topic on hand….

So, why do I write? I believe I write in order to better understand what is happening around me, to understand my fellow man, to get along in a world that at times seems out of control, and to start a discussion with others. To drive home why I write, I refer you to some of my previous blog entries:

So, if you’ve read the above articles, you have a picture of my inner workings, or lack thereof. I look forward to discussion, so if you are reading this, please start a discussion!  I look forward to the debates.


  1. Family Vacation Ideas

    I will bookmark your blog and have my kids check up here frequently. I’m very certain they will understand lots of new stuff here than anybody else.

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