An experiment in Timesharing: 2013 Timeshare Journey – July

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The end of June we made a switch. We didn’t go to Branson, deciding instead to stay one more week in Farmington. With our added stay in Farmington, it increased our June cost, the new cost is $1417, which is higher than the $1280 we initially planned for.

We find ourselves still at Farmington, MO through the 13th of July. From Farmington, we travel to Horseshoe Bend, AR for two weeks. This place appeals to me because of the location on the lake, which should be pretty nice in July. The last week in July finds us uprooting and heading south (yes, headed south in the summer!) to Willis, TX. The resort here is also right on a lake, so there should be a good breeze, and the reviews are pretty good. Decided to head here as it was close to the Gulf coast, and I need to be back in Virginia at the end of the first week in September, and felt this would get us in pretty good position.

Last calls are few and far between on the east coast this time of year. I’m finding the average cost is higher in the summer than in the spring (winter?) months. This is probably because this is the time of year everyone takes vacation.I want to start heading north east; but last calls within driving range just aren’t available.

July has been the most expensive month so far. I try to stay close to the mid-eastern states. June found me a bit more west than I want to be, but because last calls are so few and far between I find I’m sort of stuck out this way for now. Already have reservations for fall through December, so I have the month of August to star working my way back east.

The link to a PDF: Fulltime Timesharing – TestPlan v1.

July cost breakdown:
Lodging: $1055
Hotel: $125
Repositioning (mileage/cost): 711 miles / $391

Running Costs: Year to date cost: $5769
July total: $1571
June total: $1280
May total: $1443
April total: $1475

Project Goal: < $15,000

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