Still stupid after all these years….

posted in: Computing, Life | 0

Good morning!  As you can see (for my two fans that pay attention) my website has been down for a couple of months while I searched for a more “affordable” service provider.  Bluehost was great, but at ~$7.00 a month, thought they were pretty proud of their stuff. I ended up shifting to Web hosting hub; which gave me a better deal.  Now, with that being said, this was a learning experience for me! I learned the following:

  • Don’t just copy your Joomla database, export them (if anyone knows how to recover the data from the db file, let me know!) to another file using PHPAdmin; very important.
  • Every one of the four Joomla websites is down hard…very hard.
  • Don’t go offshore, demand a customer service center here in the US of A.  One provider (with another domain I maintain) is from a European country, service sucked, and another company, SiteGround was less than impressive when it came to customer support; I will never deal with them again either.

So, what am I going to do?  I am going to take a step away from Joomla, and attempt to use WordPress as my website proper.  I know I am losing some functionality, but I feel it may be a better venue for what I’m attempting to accomplish. I have two other websites that I’m in the process of rebuilding also, and I think I’m going to go back to a static style of website for each.  I’ll post links to them after the sites are finished.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I still think Joomla is a fantastic little thingy– I just don’t think that it meets my need at this time, we’ll see what the future holds.

All right then boys and girls; let’s be safe out there.

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