I enjoy my morning coffee and I enjoy bantering about politics. So this morning, when I dropped my coffee cup, I was reminded of all the chaos in our Nation’s capitol. What does Washington DC and my coffee cup have in common? They are both broken.
We love to complain about our politicians; they are kind of like our mother-in-laws in that regard. We hate it when they are here; but we sure couldn’t live without them.
Our politicians are sent to DC to do the people’s business, and ensure a conducive environment for each citizen’s pursuit of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, as they see it. Each citizen has the responsibility to be productive, some are more productive than others, but generally speaking, everyone wants to feel valued. What about our politicians? They are so ingrained with preserving their rice bowls, securing their vote, they miss the big picture: We are a representative republic, they are there to do the business of the people – all the people, not just those who voted for them.
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