I have succumbed. I have caved. I have checked my man-card at the door. “But doc, what happened?” I can hear you say. The unthinkable has occurred in my house. You better sit down for this….The Christmas tree has gone up; BEFORE Thanksgiving!! My cat (and faithful reader) literally hissed at me as the tree went up, he knew I was checking my man-card.
Actually though, truth be told; I love this time of year (specifically after Turkey Day though). People are generally nicer to one another, and I think this time of the year really does bring out the best in people. I also believe Christmas is getting too commercialized. I hope; no matter what religion you practice – that you’ll remember the meaning behind the season, and I think the “meaning of the season” crosses religious overtones. It’s just a good methodology to practice year round. Peace, love and forgiveness (now there’s a concept).
So; if you see the Dr around town; don’t be shy, say a hardy “Merry Christmas” to me, you’ll get one back with a smile, I promise!
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope this season is all you wish it to be. Love & Peace – Dr. D.
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