2009JUL21 – I feel violated – can I get aid?
Good morning my brothers and Sisters! Today’s topic is going to generate some hate and discontent; but hey, that is why I am here. I’m sure you all have been following the latest political sagas. Did you know that Ron … Continued
2009JULY01 – Do automakers put directional blinkers on their cars or are people just stupid?
Well my fellow brothers and sisters; if you can’t tell what today’s rant is about; it’s about all those morons who do not use their directional blinkers. I know my cars came with the blinkers attached; and as far as I know … Continued
2009JULY19 – Americana — Why do we celebrate celebrities?
Good afternoon my brothers and sisters! I hope you all had a wonderful July 4th and celebrated our country’s birthday with style! As for me; just hung out with family and friends. I digress; the reason for today’s post is … Continued
2009JAN20 – The 44th President is in and our cat has been Lojacked
Greetings! Today was a wonderful day; no matter what your politics – there must be something said for our country when we have had 44 peaceful turnovers of the government. I hope President Obama has a wonderful term, and I … Continued
2008NOV19 – Reflections of our latest election
First, let me state that I have no loyalty to either party; both parties have corruption in them. I’d like to take this moment to make a couple of observations about this past election and also ask a couple of … Continued