Why do I write on a Blog that hardly anyone reads?
There is a quote that sums up why I write more than anything else I’ve found. The quote is from C.Day-Lewis, and reads: “We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.” This quote … Continued
You just can’t fix stupid!
As we all know, I’m currently in Tucson, AZ visiting family. In today’s paper (11/04/2011), the Arizona Daily Star; there is an article about someone “tagging” Saguaros in this area. Now, Saguaros are unique to this area of the desert, … Continued
[HER] ODYSSEY . . . of transient into the “hereafter”
{I have taken the liberty of removing the names for privacy. This was written by my father, there is much more, but that is special, and reserved for family} The travel through life offers many opportunities, some taken and others … Continued
How good ‘ole Uncle Sugar scewed us, and we didn’t even get a kiss!
This is a follow up to my article “If you break it, you buy it”. When you hear the word “lobbyist” what do you think of? I immediately think of some over-aged retired government big shot oddly looking like a … Continued
If you break it, you buy it.
Everyone has seen those signs in nicknack stores, if you break it – you buy it. We have used this motto in Germany, Italy, Japan, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Why is it different for our own country? As my faithful follower … Continued