Unity, Strength and Fairness… NOT!!!

posted in: General, Politics, Rants & Raves | 0

Mr. Trump has been in office for just over one month, and his stated theme for this presidency is “Unity, Strength, and Fairness” (his words, not mine). Holy crap!! that theme didn’t even last a week! He hasn’t wasted anytime in convincing me that nothing has changed, except this time he is full of revenge and retribution for those who tried to hold him accountable. Why do I say this…

Let’s start with “Unity.” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines unity as “a condition of Harmony.” Mr. Trump and his team has encouraged anything but Unity. With fingerpainting and name calling now the norm; people being removed and others being put in place, not based upon merit, but for their personal loyalty. People being removed because they speak out against him, or he feels the “desire” to have them replaced. Not a way to unify the country, at least not in the books I’ve read. Mr. Trump- the Constitution is our ruling authority, not you.

Let’s look at the damage and chaos he has caused the republican party; and for the record, it was their own fault. He has turned the republican party from the party of limited government, and fiscal restraint to a cult; answerable only to him. The republican party is a shell of it’s former self, and is no longer a respected party

Now, let’s address “Strength.” Merriam-Webster defines strength as “the quality or state of being strong.” Now, I’m not a genius by any stretch of the imagination. Wouldn’t we, as a country, be stronger with friends, than going alone? Mr. Trump, again, is alienating the United States from our historically best allies in Europe. He is turning his back on Ukraine and siding with the invading country, Russia. Russia has long been an enemy for quite a long time. I find it hard to believe that our national leaders are allowing this behavior from our President. Europe has relied upon the United States time and time again to come to their aid (WWI/WWII/Bosnia…). The United States is no longer a credible ally, and that is shameful. What is Taiwan to think of our behavior toward Ukraine? If I was in Taiwan, I’d be worried.

Finally, let’s look at “fairness.” Merriam-Webster again defines fairness as “lack of favoritism toward one side or another.” I think everyone can agree that the last month has been anything but showing fairness. The incredible emails to federal employees (i.e. the “Fork in the road” & “What did you do last week?” emails). These emails are simply not thought out. Along with the chaos created by the gutting of USAID and others; without so much as a nod to folks who work there.

I still want our president to succeed, but damn he is making it difficult. Not everything he has done is bad; I may not agree with the execution, but some of his goals are admirable. Just a couple of examples include…

a. Securing our borders (Signed 1/20/25): Something has to be done to seal our southern border.

b. Additional Measures to Combat Anti-Semitism (Signed 1/29/25): This is another one that just makes sense. There is no room in this country for ANY bigotry, nor racism.

c. Declaring a National Energy Emergency (Signed 1/20/25): Putting US on a path of energy independence and protecting our national infrastructure.

For what it is worth, the democrats (lower d intentional), have not done very much to help themselves. Just an idea folks: how about working together to ensure the safeguards to protect our democracy hold. How about working with republicans (lower r intentional) and actually doing the business of the country vice bitching about one another. If I was your father, I’d take both of you, d and r, across my knee, spank each of you red, and not give you dinner until you are friends again. But that’s just me.

I am planning to breakdown the executive orders and do a further “damage assessment” in a future article.




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