Crapper stall etiquette

posted in: General, Life, Rants & Raves | 6

I have a scenario for you:  We recently graduated from a regular bathroom to a “multi-user” bathroom (see yesterday’s post).  It is nice because there is no longer a line,  everyone loves to have more than one receptical in an … Continued

Drugs, hookers and IT?

posted in: Life | 1

Good morning boys and girls!!  I hope everyone has had a very productive past couple of months, I know I have – I have however; been delinquent in keeping my blog up to date, and for that I apologize to … Continued

Thanksgiving 2011

posted in: Life | 0

Thanksgiving is an important holiday in our house. It is the traditional start of the “Holiday Season”, and I have to run up to the attic and pull down all the Christmas decorations; but more importantly, I am responsible for … Continued