C’mon; we’re better than this!!! Pt 2
A couple of days ago, I uploaded part 1 of this series. This is a continuation of Part 1… So, what the HE double hockey sticks is going on here? America is the shining beacon of the West; how could … Continued
A couple of days ago, I uploaded part 1 of this series. This is a continuation of Part 1… So, what the HE double hockey sticks is going on here? America is the shining beacon of the West; how could … Continued
It is a sad state of affairs over the past week. Our “shining city on a hill” has been tarnished by gun violence….again. I wonder how many of the shootings were done by “men of faith.” Religions vary; but most … Continued
Today proved to everyone that, together, we can. When we put aside our petty differences, and work together, we can make a difference. Today, thanks to the efforts of many nations, who otherwise, would not work together, came together to … Continued
Today I was watching the immigration protests on my preferred news network, CNN (I know what many of you think of CNN, but I still enjoy them). I do think they are generally a good news source, even if they … Continued
The other day, my cat and his friend, we’ll call him ‘the Commodore,’ were discussing the recent school shootings. The Commodore it seems, had recently written a letter to his congressman (lower c intentional). In his letter he said… I … Continued