Spammers suck!

posted in: AoM, Rants & Raves | 0

I feel very strongly about not imposing usage limits and such; but – because of that 10% factor, I feel I must impose some kind of arbitration. I have made no secret that I read each comment prior to approving … Continued

Can Ron Paul pull it off in 2012?

posted in: Politics | 2

I am an ardent independent. I have had it up to here with both political parties, neither one of them really give a crap about the average American, so I say why not? Let’s give Ron Paul a chance, we … Continued

My stance on Health Care Reform.

posted in: Politics | 0

Good morning boys and girls! You may have noticed that I haven’t been paying as close attention to politics as I used to. There is a lot of discussion going on about the proposed changes to the Health Care System. … Continued