Live free…
Good morning my fellow campers (happy or otherwise). Today I stumbled across a site called “I Side With…” The site is ran by two folks with no party affiliation. They have a quiz that you can take and it helps … Continued
Death and Taxes…
Remember the phrase growing up “There are two constants in life: death and taxes.” I used to think that it was a slight against the IRS, but during this political climate I have a couple of things I’d like to … Continued
We’re mobile….
Greetings boys and girls. Today, DDD hit a milestone – we’ve joined the mobile generation. My little corner of the Google will now display on your mobile device, phone, tablet whatever you have. You won’t get all the bells and … Continued
We could all learn from naturalized immigrants on this July 4th
In these United States, we have the “right” to vote. But how much of our voting is based on the laws of this land and those in a position to make this land better for all, instead of a popularity … Continued
Traveling the world…in style!
Wow!! What a way to see the world. Just completed a week traveling around the Caribbean.