Thanksgiving 2011

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Thanksgiving is an important holiday in our house. It is the traditional start of the “Holiday Season”, and I have to run up to the attic and pull down all the Christmas decorations; but more importantly, I am responsible for saying Grace at the Thanksgiving meal. I normally do not lead the Grace at our table. Thanksgiving; that is the one day (besides Christmas) when I am responsible for and take pleasure in leading Grace. I thought it might fun to post our Thanksgiving Grace again this year, share it with you and see what you all think….

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
– Let us pause to give thanks for our many blessing on this Thanksgiving day; For family and friends that have joined us for this meal of plenty, and of course for our family that couldn’t be with us today. May you hold them close under your protection and watch over them; especially those whom we hold dear in our hearts.
– Provide us each, one and all with the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to act on it. Not just for our families, but for all we come across in our daily plight. Let us not take each other for granted, for it is in our friends and family we find our sanctuary and peace.
– Lord, continue to bless us with good health. Bless those less fortunate then ourselves, that on this day of plenty, everyone will have a meal to eat. Give our leaders the insight to perform their duties with our country’s interests and needs in mind, and not to squander the lives of those entrusted to protect it.
– So we end with the our customary Grace: Bless us, oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord; Amen.

I hope you all liked it, I have a lot to be thankful for. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and if I don’t hear from any of you; may you have a wonderful Christmas.  ~Dr D

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