My take on gun control..

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Good morning everyone!  My cat and I were in a deep discussion yesterday regarding all the ranting going on over gun control.

It is my stance that there are already enough laws on the books regarding gun control, and that, prior to establishing new laws; it would be a good idea to enforce the laws we already have on the books. A real good gouge and quick reference of the federal laws.

A neat read about the various gun laws can be found here, it is a state by state comparison; and pretty informative. Under the Virginia section, it mentions “shall issue.” From what I can tell, if a state is a shall issue state, if a person qualifies, they get the permit.

So, to make a long story short; I think the best action is to enforce the laws that we already have on the books, we don’t need more laws at this point in time.

Rebuttals, am I out to lunch?  I look forward to the discussion.

Update: After some more discussion around the hacienda,  the concern about gun shows came up, I think we have stumbled upon middle ground.  My thinking on gun shows is this: most of the people selling at the gun show are already FFLs, so they have rules and regulations they have to follow.  Most people that attend gun shows know pretty much in advance if they are planning on buying a gun, so why not enforce a measure that:

  • People looking to buy a weapon could get pre-screened and receive an authentication code, that way a person’s private information wouldn’t be compromised.
  • People looking to sell a weapon could pre-register  and receive an authentication code as well, stating the weapon is clean and has a clean bill of health.

The basic issue is not gun shows, nor the gifts of guns to one another; the basic issue is how do we keep weapons out of the hands of “crazy people”.

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