Heritage, Hate, or Hypocrisy?
Good morning everyone! Today’s article is actually an essay sent in response to my articles Political correctness has gone too far and What are America’s Core Values? Pt 2. The essay was sent by “BarfStarr,” (you gotta love a name … Continued
Political correctness has gone too far
I’ve been bashed pretty harshly about my stance on having the confederate flag (the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia) removed from governmental agencies. The only flags that should fly from governmental agencies are the National Ensign, the … Continued
Happy Independence Day!!
This year will mark the 239th birthday of this great land!! This year we are spending our fourth in Pensacola, FL. There will be plenty of hamburgers, hot dogs, beans, fish and rice. Surrounded by family and fun. I am … Continued
Military Reunions..Living in the past or making new old friends?
This past weekend I attended my very first military reunion. I have received invitations to several past reunions; but always felt myself to young to attend these events. After all, aren’t they just a bunch of old salts rehashing days … Continued
What are America’s Core Values? Pt 2
This is a follow on to the previous article “What are America’s core Values? Pt 1“. Initially I wanted to have a five part series on the Constitution, Bill of Rights and our (the citizenry’s responsibilities). While this article will … Continued