My adventure is over, it is time to return home to the Bosslady and my co-workers. I have enjoyed this little adventure back into the Hinterlands. Yesterday I traveled from Bismark, ND to Detroit Lakes, MN to visit Fred one more time. I hit the road to the Twin Cities at 0600, and arrived at the airport just past 10 am. Tuesday was a bad day for United, or I should say for people flying United to the East Coast. All my flights were cancelled, and I was forwarded to Delta. They took pretty good care of me, and got me home safely.
I have been through many airports in my time, and I think MSP now rates as one of my favorites. The gate areas had small tables instead of those uncomfortable 70’s style couches. Each table had an iPad where you could order food and they delivered it right to your table. Pretty cool.
I absolutely love traveling; plane, train, and automobiles – I like traveling in them all. When I fly, I allow plenty of time at the airport. When I am in unfamiliar places with a rent a car, I prefer to check the car in three hours prior to flying; because you never know.
The bosslady picked me up from the airport, and I arrived safely at home; to my cat’s delight. The first thing my faithful reader did was to smell my luggage, then come up to me, rolled over on his back (as he does everyday I come home from work) so I could rub his belly. That’s how I know I’m home.
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