Good morning my fellow citizens. I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately and have come to a realization. Our debt is like loose sand on the beach, and our country is like a big deuce and a half truck; which is hopelessly stuck in the sand. Similar to this stuck deuce and a half; our country is mired down by debt, how do we rescue our country and get it out of the quagmire of debt we find ourselves in? Who has the answers? This is not a problem we (read “congress”) can continue to kick down the road; action has to be taken – Now!
Do you think the Queen would let us come home? I say we call her up and tell her we’ll pay that silly tax on imported tea. Like a spoiled brat who has spent their allowance and more; “Mom, we wanna come home! We don’t want to play anymore.”
There was a fantastic article written in the Wall Street Journal, entitled “The Magnitude of the Mess We’re In.” One of the facts that stood out to was this. The US is borrowing enormous amounts of money each year. Take the last four years for example, The yearly deficits of 2009-$1.4T; 2010-$1.3T; 2011-$1.3T; 2012-$1.2T. These yearly operating deficits equate to roughly $55,000 of debt per household (The average 2010 household income was $51,914). I’m not a math whiz; but something is out of whack here. A couple of quick links about the Fair Tax and the Flat Tax that discuss the top two alternate taxation systems. I am personally a fan of the Fair Tax. What say you?
Now; speaking of weird math, another interesting video which helps explains what is happening is entitled “Inside Job“. It really makes you think about what is happening, and quite frankly worries me some. However, I wouldn’t be doing my due diligence if I didn’t include the opposing view. I think the value of this link is in the comments people wrote.
So my friends, I’m starting to think more and more that maybe, just maybe December 21st 2012 will be our last day on Earth. If it’s not, lets call the Queen, pay our silly little tea tax and yell “God save the Queen!!” with enthusiasm.
I look forward to your responses.
Rick Infantino
Sorry Dan – I can’t agree with your rant this time. That we are in trouble? Oh yeah – that is for sure. That we should run back to the Queen? Hardly. I know you better than that – you wouldn’t give up on this great country and surrender. GB has their own issues – not much different than our own. No thanks friend – I’ll hang tight right here, and if we can’t fix it, I’ll go down with the ship. Because the alternative just won’t cut it. Kind of like a marriage vow “Til death do us part”, I prefer ” I pledge allegiance…”” over “God save the Queen”. And I know you will be here too.
Rick, You know me well.