Good morning all, I hope this finds you well. Last night was our countries 57th election; and our 44th president was given another four years. I hope all of you voted yesterday, or at least submitted an absentee ballot. Whether or not your candidates won, we participated in the process and performed our duties as citizens. Hopefully, this time all sides will work together.
Yesterday ended, at least for the time being, the bickering and finger-pointing we affectionately call our political season.
No matter what side of the isle you stand on; today is the day that our elected officials should to start coming together, and placing OUR country above the political parties.
To all of our elected officials I have but one statement, and that is a quote I was once read:
Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often, and for the same reason. -Mark Twain
We are not Red, Blue, (fill in color here) — We are Americans, we are the mutts of the world, and as is so common with mutts; we have the best of all nations while minimizing the worst.
So, let’s put some gloves on, put down the coffee and get to work. Together let’s solve the issues that are crushing our country: debt and spending, jobs (These are the 300 lb gorillas in the room; let’s take care of them first). If we can tame these two really big issues, I believe the rest will sort of “fall” into place.
What do you think? What issues do you think our elected officials should work on first?
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