I just know that today’s article is going to start a proverbial “shit” storm (pun intended).
Last week, our legislatures here in the Old Dominion (Virginia) thought they’d try to run some legislation through (read the story). We had much discussion of it around work, and as usually happens, the rumor mill got it wrong. Read the law here.
I thought (initially) that they were attempting to mandate that a person HAD to be handicapped to use the handicapped stall in the restrooms. Well, this really got my dander up, because quite frankly; I enjoy using the handicapped stall. Somebody usually has put a paper in there to read, it is quite comfortable and not as confined as the other “coach” class stalls. I would have been looking forward to some rather hefty fines from the crapper police; so I was pleased to find out today that I was wrong.
As it turns out, the bill is for handicapped people to be allowed (by law) to use restrooms in businesses; that ordinarily don’t have public access restrooms. My personal belief is similar to the article’s author (Ms. Dougherty). It should be left up to the business to allow a person to use their facilities. The government doesn’t need to get involved in the Bowell movements of the general public. Now Ms. Dougherty was slammed by quite a few people in her article, and quite frankly, my bladder gets irritated by many of these callous people.
Because of my obvious facination with crappers (see this), I feel compelled to defend the author. For the record, I do not have Crohn’s Disease. But I do know people with IBS, cancer and folks that have to carry a Ostomy bag. I cannot recount one time when we couldn’t make it where we needed to go in a timely fashion.
I’m sorry if I sound a little harsh. But I do not want to be told where I can (and cannot) take a crap, or for that matter, who I have to allow to use my facilities. For those with Crohn’s disease and other bowell issues, I’m sure it is difficult. But it seems, as a society, many people are in this “my situation is worse than your situation” mentality. That is a bunch of crap (pun not intended). Our government cannot (nor should it) provide for every single aspect of our life.
Be safe out there. I look forward to the discussion….let the s**t hit the fan!
Charles Rucker
The larger facility is nice for those of us that could use a wider platform for disposal of waste materials. When available, I too use it.
Interesting article.