Mail Bag – Freedom and Liberty Hijacked
Good morning Boys and Girls. This is the first reader who has written using the “What’s on you mind” link. Here’s what he(she?) had to say: Our Freedoms and Liberty have been Hijacked. I’m tired the fruits of my labor … Continued
How do you organize your bills?
Ok…I admit it; I have a problem. No, it’s not what you think, there is no 10 step program that will fix this. I have “mañana”. I’m not sure when I contracted it, but I have it bad. It has … Continued
Thanksgiving 2012
Another year has come and gone, it seems like only yesterday when I was posting the Grace for Thanksgiving 2011. Although our family couldn’t all be present for the meal, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving. As is the custom in … Continued
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…….
I have succumbed. I have caved. I have checked my man-card at the door. “But doc, what happened?” I can hear you say. The unthinkable has occurred in my house. You better sit down for this….The Christmas tree has gone … Continued
The perfect Birthday Cake!
I know my birthday is still a long way off; but I was cruising “the Google” today and saw this, the perfect birthday cake, so if any of my family is reading this…hint…hint. Seriously though; could you imagine coming through … Continued