Are you a rabbit or a turtle?
Good morning boys and girls! Today; my friend and I were discussing how fast our internet connection here is. We were disputing the little network icon that stated the internet connection was 54.4 mbps. I visited to test … Continued
I say we call the Queen!
Good morning my fellow citizens. I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately and have come to a realization. Our debt is like loose sand on the beach, and our country is like a big deuce and a … Continued
What IS the difference?
Democrats and Republicans have more in common with on another than they do differences (I can feel my friends shuttering now). A good article (view it here) by Sweendog is a good write up about what both parties have done, … Continued
Happy Constitution Day!!
Greetings everyone! Today is “Constitution day”, a day which has been recognized since 1940, albeit a different name (“I Am An American Day” 1940-1952; “Citizenship Day” 1952 – 2003; “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day” 2004- present). On September 17, 1787, … Continued
Are a nations embassies sovereign soil?
Are American (or any other nation’s) embassies sovereign soil? The short answer, is no. An embassy is not sovereign soil of the represented country, the property belongs to the host country (I did not know this until writing this article).