The perfect Birthday Cake!
I know my birthday is still a long way off; but I was cruising “the Google” today and saw this, the perfect birthday cake, so if any of my family is reading this…hint…hint. Seriously though; could you imagine coming through … Continued
Happy Veterans Day
Today is Veterans day; a day we celebrate those who have served, as the country song by Billy Ray Cyrus, says “All gave some; some gave all.” Most veterans that I know understand that there are really stupid people out … Continued
Now can we solve our problems?
Good morning all, I hope this finds you well. Last night was our countries 57th election; and our 44th president was given another four years. I hope all of you voted yesterday, or at least submitted an absentee ballot. Whether … Continued
Are we “by the people, for the people” or are we “Sponsored by..”
Recently my cat and I have had several conversations regarding political donations. I have also had some good exchanges on Facebook (don’t even ask, you’re not getting my FB info). As you all know, I’m a pretty solid Ron Paul … Continued
Tahiti Village – Home away from home
We stayed here 1st week in October, 2012. We stayed in a Bora Bora unit; we used RCI last call to grab it. I love this resort (I am an owner for full disclosure). There have been some management “difficulties” … Continued