Recently my cat and I have had several conversations regarding political donations. I have also had some good exchanges on Facebook (don’t even ask, you’re not getting my FB info). As you all know, I’m a pretty solid Ron Paul supporter, so when my cat asked me to check out the website I had no choice but to check it out. What I found most interesting is their take on “corruption”.
What is meant by corruption?
It is not merely the corruption of “bad people” accepting
overt bribes for political favors. Rather, there is a corrupt system that thwarts the will of the people even when government is populated by well-intentioned souls.
Two significant consequences:
1. Government does not enact the expressed will of the people
2. People lose faith in their ability to participate meaningfully
in government, with many becoming politically disengaged
The website is full of tools that support the cause, and I find myself attracted to it, they are trying to make the government accountable to the people that elected them and not the corporations that sponsored them – and I think that is a good thing. In their about page is a fantastic statement, how can you not agree with this?
Rootstrikers aims to restore power over American politics and government to 100% of the people. We hope patriots of all political persuasions will join us to help build an unstoppable grassroots movement that demands and delivers lasting reforms.
Many of you that know me know that I think our level of debt in this country is crushing. The focus of Rootstrikers is not focused on our nations’s debt; but on “following the money” and shine a light upon those sponsoring our politicians. They publish a “quick facts” one pager that is pretty interesting, another graphic that was interesting was showing who has donated to the President and Romney.
On their “Who We Are” page, they started in April 2011; from another group called Fix Congress First. Currently, they are attached with a grassroots group. I really hope they are not being used — I like what they are trying to do. If you like what they are trying to do or would just like to learn more about them, check out their resources page. We need to take our government back, our government Needs to by “By the people, for the people” but it appears as if our current system is “sponsored by…”
Anyway, I found this site interesting, and thought I’d share it with you. If only my cat could read……
Good article that explains what needs to be done.
Simply put.